Sleep regression

In a previous post, we talked about sleep regression, which coincides with certain stages of a child's development and lasts for several weeks.
✔ However, of course, this does not mean that it cannot be alleviated both for the child (who worries) and for the parents.

❓ How to understand that we are talking about sleep regression?

✔ Difficulty falling asleep at normal times when used to fall asleep without difficulties
✔ Waking up frequently and sleeping restlessly
✔ Suddenly refuses to sleep during the day or wakes up quickly if he falls asleep
✔ Sleep patterns become more irregular
✔ The child is more irritable than usual

Check with your pediatrician and make sure there is no health problem. You can then prepare for this temporary change:

✔ First of all, additional caresses and hugs are needed. The body and psyche of the child are now at the stage of significant changes, they are often irritable and fussy, so a positive effect that is not related to sleep is important
✔ When waking up at night, wait a few minutes - you may find that he is learning to fall asleep on his own
✔ If it is still difficult, help him fall asleep again at night so that it is not associated with additional lulling (at an older age, with food), because after going through the regression phase, this can become a habit
✔ Maintain your bedtime rituals - this is a period of change, so it's important to maintain the existing routine and not give up. In addition, you can offer your baby a light soothing massage.
✔ Do not change the sleep environment during the regression period
The same with the bedtime routine - if a baby always sleeps in his parents' room, do not transfer him to a separate room, if he had white noise turned on during sleep, leave him as is, etc.
✔ Flexible schedule throughout the day: pay special attention to baby's sleep signs - eye rolling, yawning and put him to bed during the day when he sleeps. Thus, you will avoid fatigue, which usually prevents you from falling asleep.

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