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Despite pediatricians recommendations that the baby should sleep in a separate crib, some babies cannot fall asleep if the parent is not...
❓ And why is it so important?✔ Children should learn to cooperate during play, negotiate, wait and deal with small disappointments. Sharing and...
In a previous post, we talked about sleep regression, which coincides with certain stages of a child's development and lasts for several weeks.✔...
✔ Some pediatricians recommend that babies must be at least 12 months old to use the baby plaid/blanket. And yet, if insulation is necessary, then...
Have you ever heard about sleep regression? ✔ A child with a more or less regular sleep pattern suddenly has difficulty falling asleep and often...
Some tips for safe and sweet sleep ✔ In the same room, but not on the same bedA free-standing crib or a bed with removable sides attached to an...
❓ How many times have you woken up at night and half asleep checked the blanket?✔ If you are nearby, then just wake up and stretch out your hand,...
Winter is coming, it's getting colder outside, but there's still time for autumn fun✔ In fact, you can jump through puddles in the cold just like...
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