Baby goods

Our blog is a knowledge base accumulated over the years to help pregnant women and young moms. We want you to feel our care for you and your baby

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We believe that a colorful baby walker won't bore anyone - neither kids nor parents. Its uniqueness lies in creating a cozy and warm environment.
When you visit "Labebe," you'll notice our shelves stocked with exclusive and original bibs that have recently been added to our collection. These bibs are the perfect companions for the little ones.
When it comes to creating a safe and comfortable environment for your child to sleep, children's bedding and accessories play a crucial role.
Recently, the Labebe showroom introduced premium quality dolls that serve as genuine friends to children, with their unique stories and angelic faces that captivate adults as well.
When it comes to investing in something enjoyable for all parties, high chairs are a great way to strengthen the parent-child relationship.
The birth of a new baby is an incredible milestone in a couple's life, filled with joy, excitement, and a whirlwind of emotions.
Choosing the right bed for your little one is an important decision that will contribute to their overall comfort, well-being, and sleep quality. 
Chest of drawers and wardrobes are more than just furniture; along with their practical functions, they are a source of endless play opportunities for children.
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