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More than just a baby store

Our objective is to be more than just a store - we strive to be a trusted companion for new parents, offering not only high-quality baby products but also expert guidance and support whenever needed
We take care of your children

We take care of your children

A baby’s well-being and emotional state are greatly influenced by their surroundings. We assist devoted parents in creating a safe, comfortable environment for both sleep and play. All our products are crafted from natural, eco-friendly materials and meet the highest safety standards.
Quality from world brands

Quality from world brands

All our products are fully certified and crafted from 100% natural materials by the world’s leading manufacturers. We offer an unlimited warranty, reflecting our unwavering confidence in their exceptional quality and durability
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Our popular products

Discover our most popular products for sleep and play, designed to keep your little ones happy, healthy, and comfortable
Our mission is to make a meaningful impact on the lives of parents by offering thoughtfully designed solutions that simplify parenthood and enhance everyday life
Classic cribs
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Baby strollers 3 in 1
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Baby car seats
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Swings and rockers
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Classic cribs
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Baby strollers 3 in 1
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Classic cribs
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Feeding chairs
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Classic cribs
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Baby strollers 3 in 1
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Bicycles and scooters
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Cradles and Moses baskets
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Baby strollers 3 in 1
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Classic cribs
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Baby strollers 3 in 1
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Picci Aria Heavenly - Plush musical mobile - image 1 | Labebe
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Educational toys
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Bicycles and scooters
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Lightweight Strollers
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Mattress protectors
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Baby mattresses
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Mattress protectors
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Why buy with us

100% ECO
All our products are made from 100% natural materials and are hypoallergenic
Lifetime warranty for all products, because we are confident in their quality
We will deliver your order safely throughout Georgia
All products comply with international quality standards and are certified

Order now any product and receive it within 24 hours

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What our customers say about us

ვისურვებდი რომ საქართველოში ყველას ისეთი მომსახურეობა ქონდეს როგორც თქვენ ! საუკეთესო სერვისი და მომხმარებლის კმაყოფილებაზე ორიენტირებული გუნდი
საუკეთესო ხარისხი, უდიდესი არჩევანი და არაჩვეულებრივი მომსახურება!
ძალიან ყურადღებიანი სტაფი, უმაღლესი ხარისხის პროდუქცია და დიდი არჩევანი.
გემოვნებიანი და ულამაზესი ნივთები, მთელი მაღაზიის შეძენის სურვილს გიჩენს
I have bought a few big items here and have had amazing customer service from every staff member I have in contact with.
When our stroller broke that was still under its warranty, they very quickly helped us with a replacement to solve the problem.
I wish I found this shop sooner.
I highly recommend this store for all your baby/child needs.
საუკეთესო გუნდი ❤️ საუკეთესო პროდუქციით❤️
ამომწურავად გაწვდიან ინფორმაციას ნებისმიერ პროდუქტზე , (სრულად ინფორმირებული ტოვებთ მაღაზიას თქვენს მიერ არჩეულ ნივთზე , არ გიწევთ მხოლოდ ვიზვალური შეფასება )და ზრუნავენ მომხმარებლის 100% -ით კმაყოფილებაზე❤️
უკვე ჩემი და დარწმუნებული ვარ მალე ჩემი პატარას საყვარელი მაღაზია გახდება ❤️❤️❤️Labebe Boutique❤️
Очень красивый магазин с большим выбором мебели, колясок, игрушек для детей. Качество всех товаров очень хорошее. Это мечта для родителей и детей!
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ძალიან მომეწონა, ფოტოზე რაც ვნახე ზუსტად ის არის და საკმაოდ ხარისხიანიც,მადლობა
ძალიან კარგი მომსახურება
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Wet good service
სასიამოვნო გარემო, გაყიდვების მენეჯერი, პროდუქცია სუპერ
მაღალი ხარისხის, კომფორტული და ულამაზესი პროდუქცია. გარდა ამისა, არაჩვეულებრივი მომსახურება. Highly recommended!
❤️ ❤️ ❤️
ORTOTO - შენაძენი, რომელმაც ყოველდღიურობა გაგვიხალისა ❤️
ფერადი და ლამაზი ფაზლი ხალიჩები ჩემთვის შევიძინე და ოჯახის ყველა წევრი იყენებს, რადგან ძალიან მოსწონთ ☺️
ვიყენებ დღის ნებისმიერ მონაკვეთში, როდესაც მიხერხდება, ასევე დილით, თავის მოწესრიგებისას. მომენტალურად მეხსნება დაღლილობა და ვგრძნობ სიმსუბუქეს ფეხებში და მთელს ტანში რაც მიჩენს ამ ხალიჩების ხშირად გამოყენების სურვილს. ამ ხალიჩებთან ერთად ბავშვებისთვის პირის დაბანის პროცესიც კი უფრო სახალისო გახდა.
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Umaglesi xarisi da umaglesi momsaxureba,ar arsebobs kitxva,romelzec pasuxi ar mimigia,pirvelive dgidan virchevt ლა ბე ბე- ს,da dzalian kmayofilebi vart.
Chveni baias muclad yofnidan dgemde virchevt ლა ბე ბე- ს,xasisxi fasze bevrad ufro magalia,rac dzalian mnishvnelovania parastvis,absoliturad yuradgebiani gundi,miuxedavad imisa,rom me piradad batumshi vcxovrob,xolo arsebuli magazia tbilishi gaxlavt,mteli gulwrfelobit vambob,rom arasodes shevmcdarvar archevanshi,saocrad kargi momsaxureba da umadglesi xarisxis produqcia,miyvarxart ლა ბე ბე da gveimedebit,chrmsgan didi rekomendacia.
Very conscientious distributor! I had a number of problems with my Pali bed. A very polite manager called me, discussed everything in detail, and sent me all the needed replacement parts for the bed for free! Thanks a lot :)
Заказывал через сайт, доставили в этот же день в течение 2 часов, мастер собрал кроватки за 30 минут, все качественно и надежно, спасибо магазину и сервису !!
Wet good service!
მინდა გადავუხადო დიდი მადლობა მაღაზიის პერსონალს! დიდი სიამოვნებით მოვდივარ თქვენთან, სერვისის უმაღლესი დონე!
მაღალი ხარისხის პროდუქცია, კარგი ფასები! ყველას ვურჩევ თქვენთან პროდუქციის შიძენას! პირველად რომ შემოვედი მაღაზიაში გადავწყვიტე მხოლოდ თქვენთან ყველაფრის ყიდვას პატარასთვის, მითუმეტეს ისეთი ფართო არჩევანი გაქვთ, შეგიძლია შეარჩიო ნებისმიერ გემოვნებაზე.
კიდევ ერთხელ დიდი მადლობა ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
მივიღე ჩემი შეკვეთა. ძალიან კმაყოფილი ვარ ოპერატიული მომსახურებით, ყურადღებიანი და სწრაფი პასუხებით. ძალიან ხარიხსხიანი პროდუქციაა. დიდი მადლობა ❤
Мы купили кровать три года назад и остались довольны. Вчера мы потеряли его часть. Детали хоть и не продавали, но сочли лишними и подарили нам. Большое спасибо
ძალიან კმაყოფილი ვარ შეძენილი ნივთებით და ხარისხით!დიდ მადლობას გიხდით დროული მოწოდებისთვის და ხარისხიანი ნივთებისთვის!❤️
საუკეთესო მომსახურება გაქვთ, სწრაფი და ხარისხიანი. მადლობა თქვენ.
ადგილზე ვიყავი მოსული და გული დამწყდა მოაჯირი ისეთივე სტაფილოსფერი რომ არ არის როგორც ფოტოზე ჩანს. :( თუმცა ხარიხი უდავოდ კარგია და თუ გადავწყვიტე აუცილებლად ვიყიდი.
ხარისხი 10/10
ტევადობა 10/10
დიზაინი 10/10
მომსახურება 10/10
მოკლედ ყველაფერი კარგი და სასიამოვნო.
ასეთ მაგარ ხარისხს ვერც წარმოვიდგენდი. ძალიან ხარისხიანია✌
ძალიან კმაყოფილები ვართ მეც და ჩემი შვილიც. :დ :დ
ეს ის შემთხვევაა როცა ხარისხი ფასზე ნამდვილად მაღალია.
მადლობა და ასე გააგრძელეთ.
archevanit dzalian kmakofili davrchit.
ხარისხმა მოლოდინს გადააჭარბა. მადლობა. ❣❣❣❣
მრავალფეროვანი პროდუქცია ადეკვატურ ფასებში, ყურადღებიანი მომსახურე პერსონალი და რაც მთავარია მაღალი ხარისხი, მოკლედ ყველაფერია იმისთვის, რომ თქვენს პატარას შეუქმნათ კომფორტული გარემო. მადლობა თქვენ ❣️
very good !!! I recomend.My grandson has it.
ადგილი სადაც იცი რომ ყველაფერს ხარისხიანს შეიძენ ❤️
საქართველოში ჩემთვის ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე შემდგარი ბრენდი ხართ თქვენ და მიხარია ჩემს ირგვლივ ძალიან ბევრი,რომ არის თქვენი მომხმარებელი
საუკეთესო ხარისხი. საუკეთესო მომსახურება
საუკეᲗესო ხარისხი. საუკეᲗესო მომსახურება
❤❤❤ შენაძენით ძალიან კმაყოფილი ვარ
ძალიან კმაყოფილი ვარ როგორც შენაძენით, ასევე მომსახურებით და მომხმარებლის მიმართ დამოკიდებულებით. განსაკუთრებით სასიამოვნო იყო ის ფაქტი რომ უპრობლემოდ დაიბრუნეთ ნივთი და მაშივნე დამიბრუნეთ თანხა ანგარიშზე. მადლობა
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
დიდი მადლობა ესეთი კარგი ხარისხისთვის ნამდვილად ფასის შესაბამისია ხარისხიც,მიწოდებითაც კმაყოფილი ვარ და რაც მთავარია აწყობით კიდე,მოკლედ დიდი მადლობა თქვენ მაგაზიას და მომსახურე პერსონალს,ხშირად გესტუმრებით
ძალიან პრაქტიკული და ფუნქციური სკამია. კმაყოფილები დავრჩით.
მივიღეთ ჩვენი ეტლი მოლოდინს გადააჭარბა ხარისხი მომსახურება და კურიერის სერვიზი საუკეთესო. გორში ჩამოტანა ორ დღეში მოხდა მადლობა.
ძალიან ხარისხიანი და დახვეწილი პროდუქცია ! სწრაფი და კომფორტული მომსახურება! დიდი მადლობა თქვენ
ძალიან ხარისხიანი პროდუქცია და მომსახურების მაღალი დონე, დიდ მადლობა
ძალიან კარგი სერვისი.
საწოლების კარგი არჩევანი, ხარისხიანი მატრასები და სკამები. ჩვენ კმაყოფილები ვართ

Products from world brands

Brand Britax Römer
Britax Römer

Protecting children on the road since 1966

At Britax Römer we ensure that parents and their children are safe on the road. The company has been fully committed to this goal since it first manufactured safety equipment and accessories for cars in the early 1930s. Since the development of Britax Römer’s first child car seat in 1966, child safety has been our number one priority. For more than 50 years no costs and efforts have been spared to provide even more safety for little ones. Today, Britax Römer develops and manufactures child car seats and pushchairs with 70% of our child car seats being “Made in Germany”.

Made in Europe

With our strong German and British heritage, Britax Römer is committed to manufacturing in Europe. In 2016 we moved to our new custom built headquarters in Leipheim, Germany. This new facility enables us to produce 70% of our car seats in Germany.

Made with Love

From the first idea to finished result – our products are Made with Love. We are parents too and we are there for you at every step of the way, during all your firsts. Therefore, we put our heart into the development of our car seats and strollers, ensuring that every single product adheres to the highest quality and the highest safety standards. We love what we do and want to share the love.

Tested to the highest standards

At Britax Römer, maintaining the highest safety standard possible is of the utmost importance to us. That’s why we’ve pioneered in-house dynamic testing and operate two world class facilities for car seats in Europe, and in 2017 launched one of the most modern and technically advanced crash test centres for child car seats worldwide.

Every pushchair model is tested extensively for various climate, temperature, weather and road conditions; squeaking and even a “bite” test on the bumper bar. In addition, we also set high restrictions to more than 500 chemicals carrying out tests by independent test laboratories according to our general test protocol, which covers all legal requirements such as REACH.

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Brand Gogora

Labebe Boutique supports local manufacturers who produce high quality, safe and useful products for children. Gogora is a good example of such collaboration.

Founded in 2021, "Gogora" specializes in crafting traditional Georgian folk wooden toys and producing Montessori children's furniture. Our values of humanism, intellectual depth, commitment to quality, and environmental consciousness are the cornerstones of our principles. At the heart of Gogora's operations lie both humanity and nature.

Our mission is to empower adults invested in nurturing children towards becoming compassionate, intelligent, and independent individuals. We strive to create a healthy, safe, and stimulating environment for children's development, blending time-tested concepts with modern approaches to education. Our aim is to reintroduce mystical yet familiar ideas into the educational process, thereby fostering new and unique experiences.

Safety is paramount in our manufacturing process, akin to the rigorous standards upheld in food production. We adhere strictly to industry regulations, laws, and standards governing the safety of toys and children's furniture. Since June 2021, Georgia has aligned its technical regulations with the European Union's Safety of Toys directive (2009/48/EC), emphasizing our commitment to ensuring children's well-being. Similarly, these regulations also extend to the safety of children's furniture.

As Georgian manufacturers, we actively seek knowledge through various channels, including support from entities like "Produce in Georgia," the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Georgia, and the Standards and National Metrology Agency. Collaboration with foreign manufacturers enriches our understanding and implementation of these standards.

We take pride in our products meeting the European Directive (2009/48/EC) and DIN EN71 standards. Children's safety is not just a legal requirement but a fundamental aspect of our ethos. Furthermore, we prioritize raising consumer awareness, ensuring they possess basic knowledge and feel empowered to inquire about product safety.

While safety is paramount, we recognize that "safe" does not always equate to "quality." Quality assurance is integral to our process, beginning with the careful selection of high-quality, certified raw materials. Our design philosophy is rooted in open-ended play principles, inspired by Montessori, Pickler, and Waldorf methodologies, and infused with Georgian ethnographic themes.

At "Gogora," we respect intellectual property and strive to design our products or obtain licenses ethically. Our commitment to social responsibility extends to our production practices, which prioritize labor safety and provide employment opportunities, particularly for women and vulnerable groups, even adapting to accommodate individuals with disabilities.

Our manufacturing process emphasizes eco-friendly packaging and the promotion of best practices in waste management. We believe that the efficiency of our production process and our high social responsibility standards are as essential as the quality of our final products.

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Brand Jolijou

Jolijou is the doll brand from the Doudou et Compagnie group!

A reference in birth gifts, it was in 2005 that Doudou et Compagnie pushed its creativity and designed its first soft dolls.

While the Doudou is unique in the child's daily life, it seemed quite natural to us to work with the rag doll , flexible and light to meet all the essential needs in the development of children between 0 and 3 years old, but also to imagine dolls to play with up to 7-8 years old.

A universal tradition, the rag doll has assets and participates in caring education , obviously in play, and introduces the child to understanding the world of adults, all with delicacy and tenderness.

Today, we are happy to see this dream come true: the birth of our Jolijou brand is like a little sister/little brother, who we want to hold by the hand, who we want to to see it grow, hoping above all, that it will allow us to bring to life the most beautiful and strongest parts of childhood.

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Love to Dream

Since 2009, our award-winning, game-changing sleepwear has helped millions of families worldwide achieve better, longer, and dreamier sleep for their newborns, toddlers - and parents, of course! With every product, we celebrate the power of sleep.

From the unique, award-winning Swaddle Up™ to bedding and self-soothing toys, the Love to Dream™ range has grown to provide a portfolio of sleep solutions designed for children up to four years old. We’re renowned for our amazing product quality, comfort, and longevity.

Our story began in 2008, like many first-time parents, Hana-Lia Krawchuk struggled with her son Elijah's sleep. During this challenging 18-month period, the former designer discovered that her son preferred to sleep with his arms up. Drawing upon her industry experience, Hana set about creating an easy-to-use arms up sleep solution to encourage self-soothing: the Swaddle Up™. The following year, Hana-Lia Krawchuk introduced the Swaddle Up™ to Sydney stores and the game-changing product sold out within two weeks of launching.

Today, Love to Dream™ is trusted by millions of parents around the world in over 50 countries. We are proud to provide a portfolio of innovative sleep solutions, for children up to four years old, from bedding and pajamas to self-soothing toys. With every product, we celebrate the power of sleep. We always listen to your feedback to find new ways to continuously improve and create only the best for you and your loved ones. Better sleep starts here.

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Welcome to ORTOTO, where we offer innovative sensory massage puzzle mats and interactive educational products. Our mission is simple – to enhance the overall well-being of every family member, big or small, with a touch of fun.

We collaborate with healthcare specialists to improve comfort, support normal development, and prevent orthopaedic issues. Our passion begins with exceptional foot care and extends to educational products, focusing on brain activity development.

Headquartered in Northern Europe, we ensure precision and high standards in our manufacturing. All ORTOTO products, including the healthy brain support range, are globally celebrated for their premium quality.

Our journey began in the pandemic, aiming to bring more nature indoors. We decided to start from happy and healthy feet – that’s how ORTOTO was born.

O – Orthopaedic support
R – Relaxation promotion
T – Therapeutic benefits
O – Outstanding comfort
T – Targeted pain prevention
O – Overall well-being

Why our feet need pampering

Often overlooked, feet are the foundation of our bodies. Not only do they carry us around, but they also help support body structures, balance, and overall well-being. It might come as a surprise, but feet are an incredibly complex combination of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons.

Isn’t it time to say a big THANK YOU to our feet with ORTOTO?

Designed to make all feet happy, our mats bring together the benefits of reflexology and sensory massage:

1. Prevent flat feet, varus/valgus, club foot. 
2. Increase blood circulation. 
3. Fight sleeping problems. 
4. Release muscle hypertonia. 
5. Reduce fatigue and tired legs. 
6. Improve brain development. 
7. Enhance motor skills. 
8. Build experience practice.

With ORTOTO sensory massage puzzle mats we want to make the best foot care available for everyone. Used from early on they help support healthy feet development and prevent the most common issues along the way.

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Brand Peg Perego
Peg Perego


Peg Perego, the Italian company founded in 1949 by Giuseppe Perego, revolutionized the market by designing carriages and strollers using “rubberized fabric” instead of sheet metal and wicker which were commonly in use and providing everyone with child care products that until that time had a limited market due to high costs. Avant-garde, attention to market changes and foresight have built a successful company over time which is known all over the world for its original ideas in the fields of infant care and toys, which are always of the highest quality, respect international safety regulations and are up to speed with the expectations of the modern mom.

The campaign “Mamma in Italy” confirms the company’s creed in the Italian way of production which has earned the trust of mother’s for its quality: whoever loves “Made in Italy” looks for style, elegance, details and safety, quality ideas which Peg Perego constantly refers to when designing and creating its products.For Peg Perego, Made in Italy means “to continue doing only what we know how to do well”, says Lucio Perego, the company’s CEO, meaning to continue cultivating the patrimony of skills of Peg’s Italian production and enriching it with modern and avant-garde processing methods.

The company has, in fact, supported its traditional spring season line of juvenile products (strollers, carriages, car seats and high chairs) with toy production, which has allowed using stable and optimal human resources. The integrated production offers closer quality control and an improvement in skills: from materials (fabric, rubber, metal) to the technology of complex and avant-garde production machinery. A team of experts supervises the entire production process to guarantee juvenile products.The compact and traditional organizational structure with a variety of tasks and taking care of the work environment with a great amount of attention given to the people consolidate company loyalty.

The production facilities in Italy are: Arcore (Milan), San Donà di Piave (Venice), Ceggia (Venice), and add our international partners: Fort Wayne (USA), Toronto (Canada) Limeira SP (Brazil), for a total production surface area of 161.000 square meters. Peg Perego’s dynamic abilities can also been seen in recent creations: not only the building of a nursery dedicated to the founder, Giuseppe Perego, located in front of the offices and available for new mothers who work for the company, but also the reconstruction of the entire industrial area and the creation of a modern foodservice building for all of the employees.

The site http://www.pegperego.com/, updated constantly, provides the trade and customers with all the new products, services and useful information needed when making an important purchase. We can talk about Peg Perego “System”: a way to produce characterized by research and experimentation, productive rigour, technical creativity and also a strong manufacturing culture which answers the client’s needs in terms of services and safety in purchasing child products. Only if the industry is able to translate new ideas into products that are able to “enter and withstand” the test of time, do these ideas take on a role in the usage culture: this is the case of Peg Perego’s Italian history.

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Core Values of Rant

Our main goal is to consider every important detail in the production of children's products. We carefully design strollers, cribs, and all other products to ensure that parents do not experience any difficulties in using them.

Our Philosophy and Goals

Our main goal is to ensure a safe childhood filled with happy moments and discoveries. Childhood is something that stays in our memories for a lifetime. We strive to make our products for newborns accessible to every family, offering the most competitive prices and excellent quality!

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Brand Doudou et Compagnie
Doudou et Compagnie


Passionate about the world of toys in which he grew up, Alain Joly decided to revolutionize this sector by teaming up with a friend to found the Doudou et Compagnie group  (in the Val d'Oise). They knew how to surround themselves with people as talented and passionate as themselves, including the good fairy  Zora, stylist and “mom” of the team.

Creation, emotion and surprise are the engine of the Doudou et Compagnie brand.
From the design draft, our style team thinks about creating models based on resistant, durable and trendy materials.

These strong elements help to perpetuate traditional French know-how recognized throughout the world for its quality, safety and innovation.

DOUDOU ET COMPAGNIE never stops thinking about the well-being of children, their development and their awakening. Transmit the values of the toy, that of the experience, of sharing with the family, without skimping on softness.

Our collection is made up of an evolving range to awaken baby and comfort him until adulthood!

A Doudou is important

It soaks up the smell of the child, of his home and plays a major role as a landmark in their daily lives.
Companion, confidant, it even becomes a real member of the family on which the child can count at times of separation from his parents, during the night or for a simple moment of comfort.
This is why Doudou et Compagnie has created a wide range of quality and safe comforters that will evolve according to his needs.

Presented in a pretty gift box, our DOUDOUs will amaze your little ones with their softness, the richness of the textures and their power to awaken the senses. 

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Because for 70 years, Foppapedretti has been synonymous with quality, function and safety.


The company was founded 70 years ago to make toys that make children happy and, still today, we try to meet the needs of the child, and his or her parents, by making safe, high-quality products. Even by respecting the environment in which these children, our future, grow up and become adults. We were among the first companies to make wooden high-chairs and today we are an important point of reference for cribs and furniture for the baby room, not to mention changing tables.

Every detail of each wooden object we make is designed down to the last tiny detail to welcome the latest addition of your family into a world that is warm, tender and wonderful, not to mention very safe. The frames that carry our products are made of solid wood treated with non-toxic, water-based paint, the size and details designed for the child with rounded corners and softened edges, the wheels block and everything is up to the strictest European safety standards.


All of the products made of wood are designed and produced in Italy to guarantee quality, reliability and safety for the consumer, but also for the worker during production.


Foppapedretti has a long list of patents that have made its products unique and, although they are imitated, their design and high functionality cannot be replicated. Safety -alongside total quality - has always been our main objective. All of our products are in full compliance with European Union regulations and certifications.


Is the main material used for almost all the products, it is 100% natural and ecological. The firm uses only wood from geographically certified areas and from woods with reforestation controlled by local regulations and verified by forest rangers.


All the waste products from wood are recovered during each production phase and, after an elaborate process, turned into fuel to heat the production facilities and offices and to run some of the production plants. Furthermore, the air inside the plants is constantly filtered to remove dust particles and then recirculated.


Thanks to the high quality of the materials, our products have a very long life. In terms of wood, quality means ecology: being long-lasting, Foppapedretti products gives the trees in protected forests time to regenerate.


Our environmental commitment is not limited to wood! Foppapedretti uses non-toxic, water-based paint made by Icro Coatings: an expensive choice, but one that ensures a drastic reduction in the emission of toxic fumes into the air, a safe work environment for the employees, a safe product for the consumer and the recovery and reuse of paint residue.


Environmental commitment Foppapedretti is a supporter of the non-profit Bioforest organization for reforestation and the recovery of areas to promote a more environmentally aware industrial culture and contribute to the safeguarding of natural resources in a very real and tangible way. Not only, the company adheres to FSC ® (License Code FSC-C004369) procedures, an international trademark that labels products containing wood from forests that are correctly and responsibly managed in compliance with strict environmental, social and economic standards.

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Brand Hugs Factory
Hugs Factory

Where creativity grows

We support the growth of the newborn, we support the evolution of his creativity with all the love he needs. Just as parents take care of their children, supporting them step by step along the path of childhood, so Hugs Factory accompanies them with cots, changing tables, playpens and furnishings which, thanks to their versatility, can be composed and recomposed into new sustainable, smart solutions that they last over time and connect children's attitudes to the spaces of the house.

For those who believe in love

For those who believe that growth is a path to be accompanied; for those who believe that love is made of gestures, words, signs and above all spaces, where children can find their own dimension. For those who believe in the quality of a product and in durability, in beauty. Sustainability is expressed in the ability to become something else over time, to last and change, transform and adapt to needs.

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Brand Inglesina

There is a story inside
A newborn child. Life begins. The first trip to home, the first strolls, the first incredible achievements.
Witnessing these moments represents the essence of our work and it gives profound meaning to the responsibility that is entrusted to us.

That is why, since 1963, we commit to providing products and solutions that ensure the best of the children’s well being, during their journey to discover the world.

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Brand Erbesi

A long history of 55 years to Erbesi, Friuli-based company specializes in children's rooms with a design and unique features. Not only beautiful but with specific attention to quality and high safety standards. The company, founded in 1966 by Cantarutti family, celebrates, in 2021, 55 years of business activity. Years dedicated to making a special, warm and comfortable environment for children, with beds and furnishings for rooms, elegant, chic and modern. Pioneering spirit and vision enriched by so much creativity and technical competence are the foundations on which the company.

Today Davide and Enrico are continuing the work of their parents with the same passion, the same commitment and the same dedication. True to the old slogans: "Erbesi for small today ... the tomorrow's V.I.P", they accompanied children of several generations in the first stage of their lives and made their growth more safe. Excellence of Made in Italy, with a great success in International markets, Erbesi designs and creates complete bedrooms for children, including coordinated textiles, to create a soft and enveloping environment.

The early cribs with turned columns, passing through the creation of innovative cribs with flat slats, become then in common use on the market, passing from convertible models to traditional models. Not least the products are characterized by tender decorations, created with inspiration from the magical world of children. Wonderful stories and sweet characters that accompany thousands of children in their happiest dreams. Over time the style has evolved following the trend but the quality, safety and reliability as post sale service are always the same.

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Brand Pali

Four generations, a century of history and an enterprising soul. It is PALI, a company that since 1919 offers high-end quality products for the comfort and safety of the child. Attentive to the evolution of the market, design and technology, it has been able to combine know-how with knowing how to grow, always offering new products, new ideas and new styles. The same priceless experience obtained over the years by producing chairs now applying to making cribs and dressers. Pali has become a leader in the industry, noted for ability to be innovative and our attention to detail.

Originality and positive and dynamic vision towards the future are family characteristics that are derived from will, commitment, willingness to learn and improve, and to care. Although everything has changed in production methods, styles and tastes, one thing still remains: the desire for a well-made product. Pali's beautiful Italian children’s furniture is the result of four generations of hard work and tradition. Each piece is created with as much attention and devotion as it was in the first workshop of family home in 1919. Pali understands what children need to feel safe and comfortable, and what parents need to have peace of mind.

Pali has been manufacturing furniture in the Friuli region (North-Eastern Italy) since 1919. With over 100 years in the same field, we have acquired a great deal of experience, knowledge and know how. Growing selection of styles and finishes means that the company always can satisfy a large range of tastes and budgets.

Pali understands how hard people have to work for their money, so when it comes time to invest in furniture Pali has manufactured an excellent product. When purchasing Pali furniture, you can be comfortable in the knowledge that you have made a lifetime investment for your child.

Pali’s ability to offer furniture of outstanding quality at competitive prices while providing excellent service means that Pali consistently meet and exceed the needs and expectations of their customers.

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Brand Plitex

Plitex is one of the leading mattress manufacturers in the world. More than 20 years of impeccable work have earned the trust of customers and recognition at many international exhibitions. The company guarantees that sleeping and rest on Plitex mattresses will be healthy and full, since all the materials used for the production of mattresses have passed strict hygienic control and have all the necessary quality certificates, including the Eco-Tex Standard 100.

When creating a mattress for a child, there are no trifles - materials, their combination, stiffness and thickness of fillers are important, taking into account the anatomical needs of the baby. Exclusively natural cotton fabrics, high quality workmanship and at the same time affordable prices are the corporate identity of Plitex.

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Brand Perina

When choosing bed linen for a crib, we look for only the best - in everything, in every detail. We want to surround the baby with tenderness, care, love. Create a cozy atmosphere in which the night will bring pleasant dreams, and the morning will bring joyful discoveries.

For more than 15 years, the Perina brand has been fulfilling these desires in exclusive baby sets, combining charming looks, comfort and the highest quality.

Perina bed linen is impeccable tailoring and design, thought out to the smallest detail. We use premium natural fabrics, sophisticated yet practical: high quality satin and premium satin TC300 with silk effect. Refined shine, softness and special smoothness - these are just some of the features of satin. And the reactive dyeing method allows you to maintain the brightness of the color even after repeated washes.

Perina is fabulous prints and elegant appliqués, silk ribbons and textured embroidery. Friendly friendly characters will give the baby a good mood during the day, and the tenderness of satin will lull you to sleep and give you a pleasant feeling with every touch. In addition, the stylish design, elegant patterns and noble shades will transform the children's bedroom, bringing a special magical atmosphere to it.

Perina is comfort and practicality that parents will definitely appreciate. Removable elements with zippers, a sheet with an elastic band, a composite bumper with a removable cover make the care of the set simple and convenient. We have thought of all the details so that nothing bothers you and the baby. And they added beautiful packaging, which is perfect for a gift.

In the life of your baby there will be many wonderful things, interesting books, favorite toys. All this is ahead. And now his world is a crib. And Perina bedding.

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Brand SKV Company
SKV Company

Our company has been producing children's furniture for more than 20 years. Over the years, we have gained a lot of experience, allowing us to produce safe, reliable and beautiful furniture.

We constantly update and expand the range of our products due to the following factors:

- complete production lines with modern equipment,
- in-depth analysis of needs and latest market trends,
- use of environmentally friendly and high-quality materials.

When creating children's furniture, we take into account not only the requirements of standards and sanitary standards, but also modern ideas about the comfort and functionality of living spaces, because children's furniture should be comfortable for the child and parents. The location of the enterprise in the Arkhangelsk region gives us the opportunity to choose the best birch wood from local suppliers, and the volume of production - to receive favorable price offers for high-quality fittings and paints and varnishes.

Modern equipment, qualified personnel, a strict quality control system allow us to delight our customers with quality products and a pleasant price for many years.

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Brand Baby Patent
Baby Patent

Baby Patent was founded over a decade ago and rapidly became one of the major players in the global baby tech market. We develop, manufacture, distribute, and export superb products for babies & toddlers.Our exciting range of smart baby products provide the highest safety standards with attractive and practical design features. They aim to enrich new parents’ day-to-day life creating compelling solutions that bring efficiency to many tasks.

Baby Patent brings innovation to your home with revolutionary products designed to enrich and simplify your life. We believe that even the tiniest tots deserve the best technology – that’s why we created a brand whose products simplify through innovation.

The AquaScale, quickly became a worldwide brand name and an essential item on baby shower gift lists. The solution provides an easy way to monitor the baby’s development by tracking their weight comfortably during bath time, while cozy and relaxed in warm water at home.

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