Массаж детских стоп

С сенсорными массажными ковриками-пазлами ORTOTO уход за стопами будет доступным для каждого. При использовании с самого раннего возраста они помогают поддерживать здоровое развитие ног и предотвращают наиболее распространенные проблемы на этом пути. Часто забывают, что стопы - это основа нашего тела. Они не только носят нас с собой, но и помогают поддерживать структуры тела, баланс и общее благополучие. Это может показаться сюрпризом, но стопы представляют собой невероятно сложную комбинацию костей, суставов, связок, мышц и сухожилий

Категория Массаж детских стоп
    • Welcome to ORTOTO, where we offer innovative sensory massage puzzle mats and interactive educational products. Our mission is simple – to enhance the overall well-being of every family member, big or small, with a touch of fun.

      We collaborate with healthcare specialists to improve comfort, support normal development, and prevent orthopaedic issues. Our passion begins with exceptional foot care and extends to educational products, focusing on brain activity development.

      Headquartered in Northern Europe, we ensure precision and high standards in our manufacturing. All ORTOTO products, including the healthy brain support range, are globally celebrated for their premium quality.

      Our journey began in the pandemic, aiming to bring more nature indoors. We decided to start from happy and healthy feet – that’s how ORTOTO was born.

      O – Orthopaedic support
      R – Relaxation promotion
      T – Therapeutic benefits
      O – Outstanding comfort
      T – Targeted pain prevention
      O – Overall well-being

      Why our feet need pampering

      Often overlooked, feet are the foundation of our bodies. Not only do they carry us around, but they also help support body structures, balance, and overall well-being. It might come as a surprise, but feet are an incredibly complex combination of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons.

      Isn’t it time to say a big THANK YOU to our feet with ORTOTO?

      Designed to make all feet happy, our mats bring together the benefits of reflexology and sensory massage:

      1. Prevent flat feet, varus/valgus, club foot. 
      2. Increase blood circulation. 
      3. Fight sleeping problems. 
      4. Release muscle hypertonia. 
      5. Reduce fatigue and tired legs. 
      6. Improve brain development. 
      7. Enhance motor skills. 
      8. Build experience practice.

      With ORTOTO sensory massage puzzle mats we want to make the best foot care available for everyone. Used from early on they help support healthy feet development and prevent the most common issues along the way.

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