Деревянные игрушки

От того, какие игрушки окружают ребенка во многом зависит его развитие и здоровье. Игрушки из дерева не только соответствуют современным тенденциям, но и хорошо сказываются на развитии ребенка, как отмечают практикующие психологи. Всё что нужно - просто подобрать тот вариант игрушки, которая лучше всего соответствует вашим представлениям о хорошей покупке. Мы уверены, что ваш ребенок с удовольствием выберет для себя такую и будет рад играть с ней дни напролет

Категория Деревянные игрушки


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    • Affordable products with a trendy and up-to-date design!

      Tryco's products each have a unique design. Every shape and colour is chosen with care and love. We take into account the trends that are playing at the time and what attracts the attention of the child. In addition, only premium materials are selected. When we are not 100% happy with the result at the end of the production process, we start again and adjust the product until we have achieved the desired goal.

      Legal requirement

      Our products only arrive in your children’s hands after extensive monitoring an thorough test procedures. They meet all legal requirements.


      Tryco products each have a unique design, in which we respond to current trends.

      Fair prices

      We think it is important that our customers do not pay a cent too much. Each item is fairly priced.

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    • Label Label became well-known in 2005 with its famous labelcloths and is reinvented in 2019!

      The idea of the label cloth came from a lovely grandma who made this for her granddaughter. This turned out to be genius… consumers shared the enthusiasm and the label cloths were flying off the shelves. Competitors came very soon with their own version of label cloths, cuddles and teeter cloths… they weren’t unique anymore. So it was time to renew… and it still is! After the original cloths, the animal figures and a lot of other designs, it was time to restyle Label Label.

      The result is an entirely new house style which is tailored to the contemporary and conscious parents and what they consider important. Fanciful colours, eco-friendly materials, durability… With this ‘mindset’, Label Label was reborn at the end of 2019. Initially, we come with a durable collection of wooden toys and still work on new projects and develop new items to guarantee continuation!

      Research, brainstorm, drawing and redrawing, choosing colors, materials

      Lots of things happen behind the scenes of Label Label before a product is approved by the critical eyes and equally critical hands of our team.

      Considering all aspects

      We take every aspect into account, from raw-material selection to packaging to customer satisfaction. Our team consists of a little group of people from different ages and with various interests and opinions. Parents, but also grandmas and grandpas. We collaborate closely and discuss about every aspect, so we try not to overlook a thing. But perhaps we do. That is why we count on you. We are small enough to be able to take into account your remarks and find a remedy if possible. This is not marketing blah blah: be critical, but let us know if you are. Mail us with your comment.

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